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Atari Announces Tempest 4000

Tempest 4000

Building off of their announced updated Atari VCS Operating System yesterday, Atari is back in new today as the company announces Tempest 4000.  In Tempest 4000 the powerful Claw spacecraft returns.  It is fully equipped to destroy deadly creatures and other obstructions with rapid-fire shots.  Tempest 4000 is a collaborative project from legendary game designer Jeff Minter and Atari.

The original Tempest burst on to the scene in 1981 as an arcade game by Atari.  Tempest is a game where the player controls a Claw spacecraft that moves around geometric levels and blasts the targets coming at them.  It was one of the first video games to use 3D vector graphics and was early in adapting that the level design would change for the player versus the same layout with increased difficulty.  The original was also a pop culture legend with the inclusion in the novel by Ernest Cline Ready Player One.

Some features of Tempest 4000 include:

Screenshot of Tempest 4000

Tempest 4000 is now available on Nintendo Switch and Atari VCS.  It is also available for purchase on Steam for PC, Playstation 4 and Xbox One for $19.99.  What are your thoughts on this game?  Will you be picking it up for some update nostalgia?  Let us know your thoughts by interacting with us in the comments here or on our Twitter account.

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