Destiny 2 Weekly Reset March 28 2023

What’s up Guardians?  Another Tuesday another Destiny 2 Weekly Reset!  With that reset as always comes the missions, challenges, dungeons and more.

The Weekly Nightfall this week is The Glassway.  The Hero modifiers are:

  • Champions: Barrier and Overload
  • Hero Modifier: Extra Shields
  • Arach-No!: Vandals spawn a web mine at their feet when defeated
  • Galvanized: Combatants have more heatlh and are more difficult to stun
  • Overcharge: Grenade Launchers and Kinetic Weapons when the payer’s subclass matches an active surge element
  • Threat: Void
  • Surge: Strand and Solar

Legend adds Equipment Locked and Master adds Attrition: Regeneration is greatly impared and Master Modifiers: Locked Loadout, Extra Champions and Extra Shields

The Pinnacle Reward is obtained once you reach 200,000 as a score.

Crucible for the week is Rift.  You will need to complete three matches to obtain your Pinnacle drop.

Gambit this week will require three matches for your Pinnacle drop.

Strikes are reset as well, complete five matches for your Pinnacle drop.

The Dungeons this week are The Pit of Heresy (featured) and the Spire of the Watcher.  Both give out Pinnacle drops.

Weekly Update of Seasonal Challenges:

  • Still Standing: Complete week 5 of the “We Stand Unbroken” quest
  • Legendary Liberator: Complete a Defiant Battleground on Legend Difficulty
  • Favored Warrior: Earn Favors of Justice, Grace and Zeal during Season of Defiance activities.  Bonus progress for Favors earned during activities on Legend difficulty.
  • Friendly Neighborhood Guardian: Complete a weekly mission from Lightfall on Hero or higher
  • Unraveling the Sun: Defeat Guardians in Crucible (50), bonus progress for opponents defeated with Strand, Solar and Void ability final blows.
  • Dredgin’ Up Victory: Complete Gambit matches.  Earn bonus progress for wins.
  • Adversaries of Humanity: Defeat Taken and Vex bosses in Vanguard playlists or strikes.
  • Righteous Blade: Acquire Ecliptic Distaff

Other Pinnacle Drops:

  • Three Defiant Battlegrounds completed
  • Dares of Eternity completed with a score of 250,000.  The legend rotation is Round 1 Cabal, Round 2 Taken and Round 3 Crota
  • //node.ovrd.AVALAON// activity will grant a Pinnacle as well


These are the Destiny 2 Weekly Reset items for Tuesday March 28th.  What activity will you be hitting first?  Let us know in the comments below or on our Twitter account by clicking here.  Stay tuned to Culture Splat for more content.
