Eternal Hope Review- Indy Game Coming to Steam

Hey Everyone, Welcome to Culture Splat!  Today we are taking a look at Eternal Hope for a review.  This game is going to be releasing on steam on August 6th of this year from Doublehit Games.

Doublehit Games is a small game studio located in Brazil and was founded in 2015.  Eternal Hope was voted “Best Brazilian Game” by IGN at the Brazil Game Show in 2019.  In this game, we take on the character Ti’Bi who is a boy that starts off looking for love.  He finds the love of his life and she is taken from him.  Ti’Bi travels between the real world and the Shadow World to collect soul fragments for the Keeper of Souls.  The goal is to go through collecting soul fragments and the Keeper will bring your girlfriend back to life once he is fully rested.

Some of the features highlighted are:

  • Multi-dimensional Traveler: There’s no luggage check for this kind of travel — brace yourself for interdimensional exploration as Ti’bi travels between realms in order to rescue his beloved’s soul
  • You’ve Got a Friend in Me: Make friends as you travel between dimensions, and use their helpful skills and resources to overcome the obstacles you’ll encounter on your journey, but be careful — not every soul has good intentions!
  • Blast From the Past: As you venture out on your journey both into the Shadow World and the world of the living, you’ll discover secrets of the land and the ancient ones that dwell there. However, secrets of your own past will also surface; forget the ghoulish beasts that lurk in the shadows — can you face your inner demons?

You can check out our look at the game on YouTube:

Eternal Hope Review

The game controls for the game were pretty easy to use whether it was via keyboard or controller (I played Eternal Hope with both and had no issues).  The game is a side scrolling puzzle-platformer that does prove to be difficult at times.  The game can be a little dark at times so you will need to focus to see certain items that you will need to use on your journey.  Eternal Hope does require you to use your reflexes also to switch between the real world and the shadow world to make intricate jumps and precise moves.  Even though the game is pretty dark (you are traveling in a forest after all), you can see the details in the game.  The game is not an easy run through and I did need to do a few sections a couple of times to pass through.  It makes you think and focus on the task at hand.  Overall the game was pretty enjoyable for the time that I played it.  If you are into side-scrolling puzzle-platformers I think you would enjoy the game.

The game will be available on August 6th of this year for Windows PC’s via Steam, you can check it out at:

Let us know if you will be checking out Eternal Hope by commenting below or hitting us up on our twitter account by clicking here!

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