TWAB May 11 – This Week At Bungie

It is Thursday and you know what that means!  It is time for This Week At Bungie, let’s check out the TWAB for May 11 2023 and see what is in store for Guardians.

The TWAB starts off talking about Guardian Games Week 2.  The current standings for the Guardian Games are:

  • First Place – Titans
  • Second Place – Warlocks
  • Third Place – Hunters

I respect the fact that the Titans are winning, even though I play as a Warlock.  Do it for Lance!!!  Bungie also mentions that in the Guardian Games Cup, they have raised over $100,000 for the Bungie Foundation so far!

Top Four Teams – Money Raised

  • Second Place – Lost City Guardians ($6,400)
  • Third Place – Metagalactic Boomers ($5,339)
  • Fourth Place – Clan Archive ($4,256)

Keep kicking ass Guardians!

Season of the Deep – TWAB May 11

Season of the Deep is less than two weeks away, has this season flown by for anyone else?  Bungie revealed more about the next season today.  The teaser is about Deputy Commander Sloane has returned and something big is lurking in the depths.  They provided the below teaser trailer as well:

Looks like we are returning to Titan next season?

In the TWAB for May 11 Bungie shares the Season of the Deep’s ritual weapon, the Last Rite Scout Rifle.  It is a Tex Mechanica Kinetic Aggressive Scout Rifle.  They gave us a glimpse at it as well as the Vanguard, Crucible and Gambit ornaments for it:

Bungie also gives us a preview of the ornament sets that will be available as part of Season 21’s season pass.  Looks like we will be under water on Titan also!

We are reminded we are down to the closing days of Season 20 and to finish up the Season Pass, wrap up those Weekly Challenges and check your Engram Tracker for Seasonal vendor engrams you need to pick up.

Week 1 of the new season, the new [Redacted] dungeon opens at 10am Pacific Time, Friday May 26th.  Be prepared Guardians!!

Final note is that Eververse is getting an update in Season 21.  There will be a showcase of items recommended for you.  The Eververse Featured page will also have a shortcut to view certain recommended items that you don’t own and might find are a great fit for your character. Not only that, but there will also be a tab where you can view your top-ten recommended items in one place, making it easier to find all of your recommendations at any given time.

Eververse - TWAB May 11

Don’t forget to check out our Destiny 2 mugs available now on our shop by clicking here or on the picture below

Destiny 2 Mugs

Well Guardians, that is the TWAB for May 11 2023.  The Season is coming to an end, what do you think about returning to Titan next Season?  Let us know in the comments below or hit us up on our Twitter account by clicking here.  As always stay tuned to Culture Splat for more content coming at you!
