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Vince McMahon wants to return to WWE

Vince McMahon return WWE

Today seems to be a very Vince McMahon type of day.  Tonight on Vice TV a documentary about Vince premieres called The Nine Lives of Vince McMahon but in typical Vince fashion more news is breaking about the former WWE Chairman and CEO.  Rumors are swirling that Vince McMahon has said he wants to return to the WWE as well as more information on allegations against the former WWE head honcho.

Back in July Vince officially stepped down from the WWE, check out the details here, and has been living in retirement since.  However, Joe Palazzo and Ted Mann are back with the Wall Street Journal with an update on the Vince McMahon hush money/sexual misconduct story from earlier this year.  The article says that Vince is facing legal demands from two women who allege that he had sexually assaulted them.

However, with all of this going on, the reporters mentioned that they hear  that Vince McMahon wants to return to the WWE as they note:

The 77-year-old Mr. McMahon also has told people that he intends to make a comeback at WWE, according to the people familiar with his comments. He has said that he received bad advice from people close to him to step down and that he now believes the allegations and investigations would have blown over had he stayed, these people said.

If Vince doesn have to settle with Rita Chatterton or with the undisclosed former Spa manager, WWE’s auditor has advised the company that resolutions of the claims, even if confidential, would possibly have to be disclosed by the company publicly.  I think that alone would be justification alone for the board to not allow Vince to return.

What are your thoughts on Vince McMahon wanting to return to the WWE?  Let us know in the comments below or on our Twitter account by clicking here.  As always stay tuned to Culture Splat for more content like this.  Also check out our Vince McMahon Kiss My Ass Mug on our Etsy shop by clicking here.

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