WWE Night of Champions 2023 Results

Well my friends, Night of Champions 2023 has come and gone.  Overall it was a very solid event by the WWE.  The crowd was into the action and there was a lot of action given.  Lets take a look at the results, but first we just uploaded a top 10 wrestling finishers to our YouTube channel.  You can check it out by clicking here.  Be kind and like and subscribe as we try and grow our presence to give you more content in more ways!

World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Final: Seth Rollins vs. AJ Styles

There is nothing else to say other than no matter the crowd, Seth is super friggin over with them.  The match opened with a flurry by Styles on Rollins as he was conducting the crowd.  The action was hot and heavy with these two combatants and man did they give the crowd a show today.  These two threw everything at each other and probably when I blinked a kitchen sink was tossed also.  AJ was working the leg and Seth sold the knee well.  AJ tot he outside for a Phenomenal Forearm but superkick mid-air by Rollins and the knee gives out.  Seth hits a Pedigree and a curb stomp and we get a pin 1, 2, 3 the winner AND NEW World Heavyweight Champion Seth Freakin’ Rollins.  From our prediction earlier, we are now 1-0.

Becky Lynch vs. Trish Stratus

Next up on the docket is a grudge match between Trish and “The Man” Becky Lynch.  After the first match, the crowd was a little sluggish during this one.  Trish can still go which is great.  They go back and forth for a bit finally Trish hits a chick kick that looked stiff as hell to the cheek of Becky Lynch.  Becky mounts some offense with a Dis-Arm-Her but Stratus is able to pull some hair out of the view of the ref for the break.  Becky hits a Manhandle Slam but she is too close to the ropes and Trish gets the rope break.  Trish out of the ring tries to go under, she is stopped and tossed in by Becky and out from under the ring comes Zoey Stark to deliver a Z360 on Lynch.  She tosses her in Trish hits a Stratusfaction and gets the pin for the W.  Your winner Trish Stratus.  With that we are 2-0 in our Night of Champions 2023 predictions.

Intercontinental Championship: GUNTHER vs. Mustafa Ali

Before the match, they did a video package about Mustafa Ali and his journey to Saudi Arabia.  It was a very nice piece which made you almost feel that he would eek out the W from GUNTHER.  The match was pretty well fought by both competitors and the crowd was much better during this one.  Ali hit a sweet 450 Splash on GUNTHER but no dice.  Alis goes for another but no one is home and GUNTHER hits a shotgun dropkick picks up Ali and Tenryu Powerbomb for the pinfall and victory.  And Still…. GUNTHER picking up the W brings us to 3-0 so far on the day.

Raw Women’s Championship: Bianca Belair vs. Asuka

Here we are with our WrestleMania rematch.  This one was a slobber knocker by these two phenomenal women.  We got a ton of near falls between the two and this was a hard fought battle with them going back and forth.  With the ref in between them in the corner, Asuka goes for the mist and total misses Bianca.  It looks like we are heading to Bianca retaining, Asuka spits mist onto her taped up hand.  Belair picks up Asuka prepping for a K.O.D. but Asuka rubs the mistified paw across her eyes and blinds the champion.  A flurry of kicks and a buzzsaw roundhouse kick for the pin AND NEW Raw Women’s Champion Asuka.  I thought we would get Belair holding that title just a tad longer but her loss at Night of Champions 2023 brings us to 3-1 so far.

SmackDown Women’s Championship: Rhea Ripley vs. Natalya

This one starts with Natty all smiles and placating to the fans.  Rhea is all business and sends Natty to the floor tossing her into the steel steps, back inside the ring Riptide and the pin 1, 2, 3…. AND STILL your SmackDown Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley.  Poor Natty getting crushed by Rhea brings our predictions for Night of Champions 2023 to 4-1 today with two matches left.

Cody Rhodes vs. Brock Lesnar

Here we have our other grudge match of the day on display as The “American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes and his broken arm take on the “Beast Incarnate” Brock Lesnar.  It starts off like this is going to be a Brock squash but Cody realizes he has a titanium cast on his arm and starts attacking the Beast with it.  This ended up being a much better match than expected.  As the match carried on, Brock got to his Grimus shade of purple he normally does and Cody is able to hit a Cross Rhodes on him but the arm is bothering him.  He sets up another but Brock is ready and Kimura lock.  Cody is in pain and is screaming but refuses to give up.  Finally Cody is able to get a rope break, Brock picks up Rhodes but he slips out and Cross Rhodes again.  Lesnar with an F-5 but Cody kicks out.  Kimura lock cinched in once again but Cody is able to roll through and break out of the hold.  Kimura lock cinched in one more time and the ref stops the match and your winner Brock Lesnar.  Brock holds on just a little longer with the lock then lets go.  Brock with the win takes us to 5-1 on the day.

Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match: Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn vs. Roman Reigns & Solo Sikoa

We are here at the main event of the evening.  Will the Bloodline fracture even more?  Will Roman add more to his collection of belts on his 1000th day as champion.  Sami is super over with the Saudi crowd.  He starts the match versus Roman but Roman immediately tags in Solo.  The action is back and forth for a bit and then the Bloodline start working over Sami.  Sami is able to get the tag to Owens who comes in like a fireball.  He immediately goes after Reigns knocking him out to the floor, Owens outside with a clothesline and a senton gets Reigns back into the ring.  Reigns goes for the Superman Punch but Owens avoids it and hits a pop-up powerbomb but Reigns kicks out.  Frog Splash on Reigns but still only a 2.  Reigns recovers and hits a Superman Punch on KO but still not enough for the victory.  Roman hits a spear and both men are down but able to make tags.

Sami and Solo back at it and Smi blocks a Samoan Spike and hits an exploder followed by a Helluva kick but Roman is in to break up the pin.  Roman goes for a Spear and Sami moves out of the way but the ref gets demolished and is down.  Sami hits Roman with a Superman Punch to knock him down.  Here come the USOs….  They take out Owens go in to hit Sami with Superkicks in stero but he ducks and they smash Solo as Roman comes to and sees them.  He confronts them in the ring and starts pushing them around Jimmy Uso Superkick on Roman.  Jey looks distraught by what his brother did  and Jimmy says he is doing what should have been done a long time ago and Superkicks Roman again.  The USOs head up the ramp, Solo is back up and KO is in the ring.  Stunner and he stumbles to the corner Zayn hits the Helluva Kick on him and lands the pin but there is no ref.  New ref hits the ring and goes for the count 1, 2, 3…. Your winners AND STILL your Undisputed Tag Team Champions Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn.  With the assistance from the USOs our predictions were 6-1 for the day.

What did you think of WWE Night of Champions 2023?  Are you disappointed we did not get Austin Theory defending so all of the titles (minus the vacant Women’s Tag Titles) were not defended at Night of Champions?  Let us know your thoughts on the show below in the comments or hit us up on our Twitter account by clicking here.  As always stay tuned to Culture Splat for more content coming your way.

