WWE NXT Recap for Tuesday June 8th 2021

Tuesday night means the once WWE Network exclusive now on USA brand NXT presents their weekly show from the Capitol Wrestling Center in Orlando, Florida.  Welcome to your WWE NXT recap for Tuesday June 8th 2021 also known as the go home show for NXT Takeover In Your House.

Match 1 – Austin Theory vs. Oney Lorcan

Theory comes out first followed by Lorcan.  The two have a very solid match with some awesome back and forths along with some nice holds and mat work to slow down the pace.  Theory has a nice series where he leaps the top rope from the apron to stomp on Lorcan down on the mat and immediately into a fisherman’s suplex.  Lorcan responds with one of the loudest chops I have heard in a very long time.

The two head to the outside and chop some more.  As Theory is on the apron, Lorcan sweeps the leg and drops him on the “hardest part of the ring”.  Pete Dunne makes his way out and we head to a commercial break (with picture in picture).  Back from commercial and Johnny Gargano is also down at ringside.  Theory hit an amazing seated springboard spanish fly while Lorcan was seated on the top rope.  Both participants hit the outside and are down from a double clothesline.  Gargano and Dunne start throwing hands outside and refs come out to separate them and get the away from ringside.  Theory took his eye off the ball for a second to checkout the separation of Dunne and Gargano and Lorcan took advantage tossing him into the post.  You winner Oney Lorcan.  What a very solid opening match to kick off the go home show.

Video Package – LA Knight

After our opening match we get a video package of L.A. Knight aka Eli Drake.  It starts out with him singing the million dollar theme in the shower.  He addresses DiBiase about the million dollar legacy and how he will take it to unseen heights.  He tells the ladies he is with it is story time and to meet him in the hot tub.  He says that he closes out In Your House with Grimes getting his face kicked in and even Ted DiBiase is laughing at him.  We close with him driving off in his Mercedes coupe once again saying to Ted he is the one to carry on the legacy.  Off to commercial break.

Back from commercial break and we continue on with our WWE NXT recap.  We are greeted with Michael Hayes in his Dok Hendrix persona telling us about the matches for NXT Takeover In Your House this Sunday.  We will have NXT Women’s Champion Raquel Gonzalez taking on Ember Moon, Cameron Grimes vs. LA Knight for the legacy of the million dollar man, Mercedes Martinez vs. Xia Li and finally Adam Cole, Pete Dunne, Johnny Gargano, Kyle O’Reilly and Karrion Kross in a fatal 5 way for the NXT Championship.

In Ring Segment – Legado Del Fantasma

Santos Escobar addresses Bronson Reed about what he did last week and he will make him pay.  Bronson Reed comes out and says he was going to come out and say Escobar was full of it but after he squished him last week he may have emptied out Escobar.  Reed heads down to the ring and MSK runs out to join him.  Escobar proposes a 6 way match for all the gold and Reed and MSK agree.  Hit Row come out and get in the faces of Escobar and crew then hit the ring.  Reed and MSK hit the apron and Hit Row gets in their faces also then turn away.  To commercial before Killian Dain takes on Isaiah “Swerve” Scott.

Match 2 – Killian Dain vs. Isaiah Scott

Back from commercial and continuing our WWE NXT recap, it is confirmed that this Sunday we will have a winner take all six man tag at NXT Takeover In Your House between Legado Del Fantasma and MSK & Bronson Reed.  With Swerve in the ring already, Dain makes his way out accompanied by Drake Maverick.

The bell rings and we are underway.  They lock up and Dain backs up Swerve to a corner.  Dain maintains control early on until Swerve slaps him in the back of the head and rolls out to his crew outside.  As Dain goes for a suicide dive, Hit Row hides him and Dain jaws at them a bit.  Swerve slides in behind and hits Dain.  Swerve goes for a kick off the ropes and Dain catches his leg and forearms and punches back Swerve into a corner.  Dain hits a crossbody and goes for a pin but Swerve kicks out.  Swerve with a kick to the head and goes for a pin but Dain kicks out.  Dain with a fireman carry dumps Swerve then hits him with a senton.  He goes to get on the ropes but Hit Row disrupts him and Drake Maverick does a running dive on Adonis off the steps and then gets taken out by Top Dolla.  Top Dolla starts climbing the steps to distract Dain and Swerve from behind kicks Dains knee.  He follows up with a kick to the face of Dain and gets the pin.  Your winner Isaiah “Swerve” Scott.

Backstage Interview – NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions

We see Poppy arriving to the building earlier in the day, Candice is asked by McKenzie Mitchell about why she has been so vocal about Poppy lately and she says this, you have the Women’s Tag Champs here and you talk about Poppy.  Indi Hartwell goes to look for Dexter Lumis under the impression he still loves her and we head to commercial.

Video Package – Cameron Grimes

Back from commercial and we get a video package of Cameron Grimes addressing Ted DiBiase.  Grimes is choking from smoking a cigar and drinking some bourbon.  We see him getting a massage and then giving one as well.  The video package ends with Grimes driving away in a Rolls Royce.

Match 3 – Mercedes Martinez vs. ???

Next we are supposed to have a Mercedes Martinez match but as she is at the top of the ramp in the dark, she is attacked from behind by Xia Li.  Li is destroying Martinez outside the ring while Martinez’s supposed opponent is waiting in the ring.  Li tosses Martinez in the ring and Martinez responds with a vicious series of forearms followed by a kick knocking Li outside.  She tosses Li into where the crowd would be and refs detain her.  Martinez gets in the ring tells the ref to ring the bell, hits a big boot followed by an Air Raid Crash on her not named opponent for the 1, 2, 3.  Mercedes Martinez is your winner.  Martinez looks into the camera tells Xia she messed with the wrong one and we head backstage.

Backstage Interview – Breezango

McKenzie Mitchell begins to ask about Walter directing Imperium to take them out.  Fandango asks her if she likes his shirt.  He also asks why Walter is so angry all the time.  Tyler Breeze refers to Fabian and Marcel as Fabio and Marsupial lol.  Breeze says it sounds like they have sour grapes over Breezango beating them for the titles, it sounds like they are going to disappoint Walter again.  Fandango opens his shirt and flashes his chest before walking off.  We see Ted DiBiase walking to the ring with security guards and we head to commercial.

Backstage Segment – HHH, William Regal and Poppy

Back from commercial and rolling on with our WWE NXT recap, we are backstage with HHH and Lord Steve I mean William Regal and Poppy.  HHH tells Poppy he loves her new music and the tracks they are using Eat and Say Cheese.  He asks when the album will “drop” as they say in the music business and she says right now, pulls out her phone hits a button and it is released.  HHH says “Technology is amazing!”.  Dexter Lumis walks in stares at Poppy and shows her a drawing.  She takes it and says thank you and hugs him.  Indi Hatwell walks in and cries and runs off.  HHH follows up with “A Little Awkward” and we head to Grimes pulling up in his Rolls and LA Knight in his Benz.  A security guard tells them Mr. DiBiase is waiting for them in the ring and they head off to the ring.

Ted DiBiase announcement

In the ring we have Ted saying before he makes his announcement he wants Grimes and Knight to come out to the ring.  Knight’s music hits and he starts heading out and is interrupted by Grimes music.  DiBiase says that this Sunday they will have to literally climb the ladder of success and a gold ladder is lowered from the rafters.  This Sunday is a ladder match between Grimes and Knight.  Knight says there is no mountain he wont climb, no hillbilly he wont step on to prove it.  Grimes says in between the ropes, in between the turnbuckles he cant be beat and will take the Million Dollar Legacy to the moon!  He then says as he is looking up at the ceiling in the CWC he wants to know what he is reaching for.  The security enters the ring with a case and Ted opens it up and it is the Million Dollar Belt.  Whoever wins the match will be the new Million Dollar Champion.  Dibiase begins to cackle and Grimes and Knight do as well.  Backstage we see the competitors of the fatal 5 way fighting and Regal breaks it up and we head to commercial.

Back from commercial and Ever-Rise announce they will be hosting a pre-pre-show this Sunday.

Match 4 – Grizzled Young Veterans vs. August Grey and Ikemen Jiro

Jiro and Grey are in control early and Gibson tries to take off the jacket from Jiro, this leads to a take to Drake and Grizzled Young Veterans take over.  Grizzled Young Vets are working over Jiro big time, focusing on the leg with the knee brace.  Some classic tag team wrestling with frequent tags and working that body part.  Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher make their way out with chairs and setup ringside.  With the distraction Jiro makes the take and Grey takes out both members of the vets.  Drake gets a second to break free, tags in Gibson and they hit Ticket to Mayhem for the pin.  Your winners Grizzles Young Veterans.  Wade Barrett hyping them up was much more interesting than the match.  Gibson is on the mic telling Ciampa and Thatcher they don’t get it they are done with them.  Next week tornado rules match between the two teams.

We see Candice LeRae heading to the ring and we go to commercial.

Back from commercial for our WWE NXT recap, we get a recap of 2 weeks ago with Oney Lorcan attacking Bobby Fish,  We go to a video of Fish hitting a heavy bag, he looks at the camera and says “Oney, don’t you think for one second that I’ve forgotten about you.”  He goes back to working the bag.

In-ring Segment

Candice LeRae hits the ring alone, she asks her music to be turned off and says “I’m so sick of hearing about Poppy!”  The crowd starts chanting for Poppy.  LeRae continues “You hijacked my interview last week, and this week you stole Indi’s man.”  She challenges Poppy to come to the ring or she can give her a proper intro to the NXT parking lot.  We all know bad things happen there!!!

Poppy comes out and says “I don’t wrestle but I know someone who does” and the Genius of the Sky is back, Io Shirai’s music hits and she comes out and makes her way to the ring with Poppy behind her.  She hits the ring takes down LeRae and hits a 6-1-9, follows up witha top rope missile drop kick and LeRae makes her way out of the ring.  Poppy and Io celebrate and we go back to “Dok Hendrix” talking the new matches added and updates to the card for Sunday.  Dok Hendrix is more annoying now than in the early 90’s.  We go to commercial.

Match 5 – Dakota Kai vs. Ember Moon

Back from commercial break we are nearing the end of our WWE NXT recap for this week.  We get a flashback to backstage and we see Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez stare at Io Shirai.  Kai and Gonzalez make their way down to the ring.  Ember Moon makes her way to the ring

The match is underway and the two go back and forth ducking each others attacks and then finally hitting each other.  Kai takes control and kicks Moon in the corner and promptly goes for a cover but Moon kicks out.  Kai tosses Moon into another corner and does the running kick again, pin fall and kick out.  Moon gets control with some fancy arm drag reversal.  Moon jaws at Gonzalez a bit and puts her focus back on Kai.  She whips Kai to the corner and Kai ducks out of the ropes.  She goes to drag Kai back in but Kai takes control and spins Moon into the ring post.  Off to commercial break

Back from commercial break on our WWE NXT recap and Moon gets a near fall.  Moon hits a somersault stunner on Kai, which was pretty cool looking.  Moon has Kai in a Dragon Sleeper in the center of the ring but Kai reverses with a spinning face plant on Moon.  Moon is in the corner and Kai hits another running kick to the face pin fall 2 count.  Moon gets control and hits a series power bomb for a 2 count.  On the outside Moon lays out Gonzalez , runs in the ring and hits a Tope Suicida on the pair.  She tosses Kai back in the ring and heads to the top rope.  Gonzalez comes in runs across the ring and kicks Moon off the top.  Your winner via DQ is Ember Moon.

Moon gets back in the ring and attacks Gonzalez.  Kai helps out and Gonzalez goes for a one arm powerbomb but Moon reverses to a stunner.  She goes to the top and hits Eclipse on Gonzalez.  She grabs the NXT Women’s Title drops it on the champ and leaves.

In-ring Segment

Before commercial, Karrion Kross says to the others in the fatal 5 way that they don’t have to wait until Sunday to feel what it is like to be flatlined and we head to what should be our last commercial break for our WWE NXT recap.

Back from commercial and Regal is in the ring with Kross and Scarlett Bordeaux.  Regal says he is the GM in NXT and this is not happening now.  Kross grabs the mic violently, he says Regal doesn’t run anything and he doesn’t run NXT and the show has been out of control for a very long time.  Kross is not leaving the ring until the 4 come out and get their asses kicked.  O’Reilly is the first out.  He says Kross is thin skinned.  Gargano is next and gets on top of the announcers table.  Says that Kross is not Johnny Wrestling or Johnny Takeover.  Kross begins to talk and Dunne is out and on the apron and says he can show them all  right now why he is the baddest man in NXT.  Cole is on the tron and tells Kross he verbally annihilated him last week and Kross didnt do jack.  Cole says he will let them get to their hissy fit and will see them Sunday.  O’Reilly says Cole is too much of a bitch to be there live but he’s not.  He slaps cross which sets off a melee.  Forearms and suplexes galore.  Kross is standing alone in the center of the ring and raises the title only to be super kicked from behind by Adam Cole.  He hits him with the running knee from behind, raises the title gives an “Adam Cole Bay Bay” and we fade to black.

Thank you for following along with our WWE NXT Recap.  What did you think of the go home show for NXT Takeover In Your House.  Let us know in the comments below or on our twitter account.  We love to interact with our readers.  As always stay tuned to Culture Splat for more coverage of your favorite topics!

