Is It Time For Gambit To Go Away?

The Drifter and Gambit were introduced way back in the Foresaken DLC for Destiny 2.  It came in as the shiny new toy pitting two teams of guardians against each other in a race to bank motes and kill the Primeval of the round, but is it now time for Gambit to go away?

Gambit seems like the forgotten child in all recent updates.  It seems like a game type that was developed to try and mesh PVP with PVE to get more players interested but it seems to have failed at every stop.  The idea of the mode is a good one, you pit two teams against each other in a race to bank the motes and beat the boss.  Invading the other side to sabotage is also part of this mode, and in my opinion happens way too frequently.  At points, it seems that the invasions are constantly occurring when a team is seriously behind.

Maps are another issue with this mode being forgotten.  There have not been any new maps since Season 6.  There are currently 4 maps in rotation: Deep Six, Emerald Coast, Legion’s Folly and New Arcadia.  During all the big reveals, Gambit is never mentioned are just a side note to any major updates in the game.  It seems that more and more Gambit is a mode to do your three games for the week and get your pinnacle gear.

Are there ways to save Gambit?  I believe there are.  With some tweaks, it could be a fun game mode that keeps players around for more than 3 games.  Invasions should be limited, I know that the powers that be have been modifying the invasion times but I think it should be hard coded to every 25 motes (which Bungie says is what happens) and during the boss fight, invasions should only happen at every notch in the health bar of the Primeval.  There should also be more maps added to the mode.  We have a bunch of different destinations since Gambit was introduced and those locations would be nice to have a Gambit match in.

What are your thoughts on if Gambit should go away?  Let us know down in the comments or hit us up on our Twitter account by clicking here.

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