Nintendo Direct Scheduled For Tomorrow

Just about a little over an hour ago, Nintendo of America announced that tomorrow they will be holding a roughly 40 minute long live stream Nintendo Direct.  The live stream event will focus mainly on Nintendo Switch titles launching this year and will include new details on their upcoming first party game Pikmin 4.  The event will take place at 10am ET/7am PT and can be viewed by clicking here.

The Nintendo first-party games that are coming up soon would be Everybody 1-2 Switch, which releases June 30th and Pikmin which is scheduled for release on July 21st.  Other than these games, it is not really known what Nintendo has in store for this direct.  Maybe we could see information about the upcoming expansion for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet or maybe we finally get some details for Metroid Prime.  I do not believe that we will get any new hardware or news of future new hardware just yet.  I think Nintendo is still tied to the Switch for the time being.

What are you looking forward to seeing at the Nintendo Direct tomorrow?  Could we get some new accessories for the Switch?  I guess the only way to see what Nintendo has in store for us is to watch the direct tomorrow.  Let us know what you are looking forward to seeing tomorrow down in the comments below or hit us up on our Twitter account.  As always stay tuned to Culture Splat for more content coming your way!

Check out our new Podcast Talking Splat on YouTube by clicking here, our first guest is Ango from Ango TV on YouTube or the Audio Options by clicking here.

Talking Splat Episode 001
