NXT TakeOver Media Call Triple H on Women’s PPV

Today Triple H had a media call before this weekends NXT TakeOver: In Your House.  There were quite a few topics discussed such as NXT wrestler’s being called up to the “main roster” but wanting to stay in NXT.  But….. there was one topic that sticks out as a very awkward and kind of tone def response by the cerebral assassin.

Trips was asked by Gary Cassidy of Inside the Ropes about the WWE doing another all women’s pay per view like their Evolution event that they held in 2018 and if there is a possibility that any WWE wrestlers might appear on the NWA All Women’s event that Mickie James is Executive Producing.  His response came off as a cringe worthy standoffish type of comment.  He said:

Haven’t we already done them?  It’s a funny thing to me I just don’t.  So, equality is equality.  Equality is not, I want my own show.  Equality is not, we have to have our own program.  If I told you that I was making an all men’s program and I didn’t want women on it, it would be criticized and I’m not saying that’s right or wrong.

I do think it’s funny when people go, I want the best in the world regardless of contractual status.  Like I’m sorry, from a business person’s standpoint, then why do we have contractual status right?  It doesn’t make any sense to me.  If you want to wrestle the best women in the world, come to the WWE.  That’s where they are.  If you want to go elsewhere and say that they are..  that’s an opinion and you can but it is what it is.

While I’m all for it.  I was one of the biggest drivers of it and will we do another all women’s event down the line?  Possibly, but it’s not a must-have in the moment.  I think we do an amazing job of displaying our female athletes.  Is it perfect? No.  Will it always be in flux?  Yes but I think we do a pretty good job, and my opinion again my opinion the best female performers in the world are in WWE, and if they’re not, they want to be.

Just re-reading that as I typed it is a ohhhh he really said that moment.  Here are my two-cents about his contractual status comment.  I get it that they are signed to WWE or to other companies, however, for the Mae Young classics they brought in outside female talent to compete in those events.  Also, this could be good exposure for some of the female talent not used as frequently in WWE to get a showcase to draw more eyes to WWE products as ratings have not been terrific.  I also feel that his comment that the best female talent are either in or want to be in WWE comes across a little conceited as they have let some amazing women go who creative had no idea how to do anything with and are now making a solid name for themselves (oh hello Deonna Purrazzo).  His comments also drew the ire of one of the best women wrestlers in the world Thunder Rosa as she sent out the below tweet:

What are your thoughts on Triple H’s take on women’s wrestling and the NWA All Women’s PPV during the NXT TakeOver Media Call today?  Let us know in the comments below or on our Twitter account.  We love to interact with our fans.  Stay Tuned to more great stuff coming from Culture Splat!
