MoviePass Comeback on Labor Day

MoviePass was a subscription based movie ticket service that has failed multiple times.  The service had initially had a $10 per month fee for users and promised unlimited movies for that price.  They had a $40 million dollar loss in May 2018 and tried to restructure before eventually shuttering in 2019.  Well, MoviePass is making a comeback again this Labor Day.

According to Deadline, MoviePass will be reopening this Thursday August 25th for beta sign-ups for the new service on their website.  You can check it out by clicking here.  The beta will be accessible by invite only.  Currently, there is a countdown on the website and the waitlist will open once the cl0ck hits 0.  The clock will hit 0 at 9am Eastern Time on Thursday.  Those joining the waitlist will receive priority access to the service and 10 friend invites.  Once the waitlist is closed, the only way to join will be via invite from a friend.

Deadline has confirmed that those who are successful in joining will be notified on Labor Day and will be offered three subscription price tiers.  The tiers will be $10, $20 and $30 per month that provides subscribers with credits to see movies each month.  Unlike previous iterations of the service, there will not be an unlimited option during the beta.  There is also going to be a change to the debit card members remember.  The card will no longer be red, but will be black this time and MoviePass is promising partnerships with 25% of theaters in the U.S.

The ambiguity of the 25% of theaters raises a question as to which theaters would this be for?  Will there be limits on the movies that are available to see?  Will theaters that have their own subscription services be inclined to use the service?

What do you think about the MoviePass comeback?  Will it succeed or will it fall in a blaze of glory once again?  Let us know in the comments below or get at us on our Twitter account by clicking here.  As always, stay tuned to Culture Splat for more articles like this.
