The Blair Witch Project gets a Las Vegas Escape Room

Indy horror film The Blair Witch Project is getting its own escape room attraction in Las Vegas later this year.  The attraction is being put on by Lionsgate and Jason Egan from Egan Escape Productions who have teamed up before on the Las Vegas Saw Escape Room.

The website which can be found by clicking here states that:

ESCAPE BLAIR WITCH is an immersive, multi-room escape experience that brings to life Lionsgate’s iconic blockbuster film franchise, Blair Witch. Players begin their journey at the Burkittsville Ranger’s Station, nestled in the Black Hills Forest, on a hunt for information into the disappearance of a few local college students. Do you believe in the stories about the Blair Witch? Was there an accident in the woods or did something far more sinister take place?

Escape Blair Witch will be opening this summer and is set in a re-creation of a dilapidated 100 year old house in the backwoods of the Black Hills Forest.  Unlike most escape rooms which are one room, Escape Blair Witch will feature 10 escape rooms within one structure that visitors can go through in about an hour.  The location will be in the same build that houses the Saw Escape room at 2121 S Industrial Road, not far from the Vegas Strip.  There will be the availability of team building and corporate events as well as birthday parties and bachelor/bachelorette parties.

I have to say that I am excited to check this out at the first opportunity that I get.  I liked the concept of the first movie and think that it would play well into the escape room atmosphere.  I look forward to bring you coverage when I get the chance to experience it.  What do you think of the Blair Witch Project escape room concept?  Let us know if the comments below or on our twitter account.  We love to interact with our readers.  Stay tuned to Culture Splat for more details and further coverage!
