Tron 3 Rumors – Film with Jared Leto attached

The original Tron was released in 1982 starring Jeff Bridges as Kevin Flynn/CLU and Bruce Boxleitner as Alan Bradley/Tron.  The film was considered to be a financial disappointment for Disney but it has a cult following.  As a kid, I was a huge fan of the movie Tron.  It was so different looking than many other films out there and really drew me in as a kid.  When a sequel finally came out in 2010 with Tron: Legacy I was super stoked for the film!  I must say I actually liked it a lot.  I thought the visuals were awesome and the light cycles were amazing.  After the box office success I expected a third film to be green-lit immediately.  That was definitely not the case.  Today though there are Tron 3 rumors!

The Disinsider is reporting that a Jared Leto led Tron movie is still in development.  Earlier in the year news came out that a Disney+ series of Tron was tossed sent to be derezzed.  There was also talk that a reboot with Jared Leto was in the works but the updated news today is that the film is expected to be more of a sequel rather than a reboot.  The cast from Tron: Legacy (Garrett Hedlund and Olivia Wilde) could return.  The premise of the film has yet to be revealed but Tron: Legacy ended with Quora (Wilde) leaving the Grid for the real world with Sam (Hedlund).  Hopefully we get a Daft Punk return!

Tron 3 Rumors

There is news that there is no director attached to the project yet, but it is a good sign for all Tron fans if the Mouse House is looking for a director for the project!  This would be a great way to bring Tron back to us, especially with a Tron ride being built at Disney World and set to open in 2021.

What are your thoughts on the Tron 3 rumors?  Do you want to see Jared Leto in a lead role for the film?  Let us know in the comments below or on our twitter account.

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