Xbox Series S Can Run Out Of VRAM

With the current generation of consoles, Microsoft decided to do something a little different with their offerings.  Instead of having just one system, they released two.  The Xbox Series X is the flagship system with more power and then there was the Xbox Series S which was a lower priced, entry level system.  Similar to how Nvidia would have different levels of their RTX graphics cards, Microsoft tried the same approach to systems.  News is breaking today that seems that this was not a great choice.

Following a string of bad reviews for Redfall, which I have not played yet but will be shortly and will provide a review of, and news that the UK is blocking their acquisition of Activision Blizzard, more bad news is hitting the green brand.  The lower powered, more affordable console is having issues with VRAM.  A user by the name of jokekiller94 on the gaming subreddit created a post titled Apparently the series S can run out of VRAM and posted the below image of his Xbox saying the video memory is out.

Xbox Series S VRAM


As of the writing of this article, the post has 1,200 comments and 25,200 upvotes.  Some commenters have indicated that it could be an issue with too many games in the quick resume status taking resources from the system.  The Xbox Series S comes in with 10GB of VRAM, comparing this to it beefier big brother the Series X which has 16GB of VRAM it is a drastic difference.  If this issue with the Series S persists, what does the future hold for the less expensive console as we really have not gotten a tremendous amount of next gen games yet for them that will push it.

What do you think about the Xbox Series S VRAM issues?  Is it just an issues with Borderlands 3 that the user was playing or something else?  Let us know down in the comments or hit us up on our Twitter account by clicking here.  As always stay tuned to Culture Splat for more content coming at you!


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