dbrand New Spider-Man Themed PS5 Arachnoplates

dbrand loves to get as close to the line as possible with their products.  After a well known battle with Sony over their original Darkplates for the PS5, that in my opinion has led to a much better design option than what Sony has offered, dbrand now has another answer for consumers looking for the Sony Spider-Man 2 console covers which are currently sold out.  Dbrand has release their brand new PS5 Arachnoplates.

Here are the original Sony plates:

Now here are the Arachnoplates by dbrand:

These things looks sick!  Not only do you have the ability to add the side plates but you can also add the middle skin for that overall feel as well as adding red lightstrips to the system.  The dbrand PS5 Arachnoplates are available for order now and will cost $64.98 for the plates, $14.95 for the middle skin and the red lightstrips are usually $11.95 but when you but all three pieces they drop to $9.95.  All in on the Arachnoplates kit will run you $89.88.  These will start shipping on October 20th for anyone who orders.

On the page for these new Arachnoplates dbrand says the following:

“The [POPULAR VIDEO GAME CONSOLE] maker [MEGACORP] failed to produce enough stock of their [LICENSED VIDEO GAME] side panels.

Thanks for dropping the ball, you [SERIES OF EXPLETIVES].”

Never change dbrand, never change!  If you want to order a set of these new Arachnoplates, you can do that by clicking here.  dbrand also still sells the Darkplates 2.0 which can be ordered by clicking here and come in Matte Black, Retro Gray and Classic White.  The Retro Darkplates are also available in Fire Orange, Atomic Purple, Ice Blue and Smoke Black.

What do you think about these new dbrand PS5 Arachnoplates?  Do you agree that they look better than the Sony version?  Let us know in the comments below or hit us up on our Twitter account.  As always stay tuned to Culture Splat for more content coming your way!
